Jon and Inez [Christmas Portraits]


We’ve been playing tag with Jon and Inez for a while. We were happy when our schedules finally aligned and we were able to take some Christmas portraits for them! Inez had seen some pictures on Pinterest she wanted to recreate, and we obliged. She wanted a picture of herself and her sweetie blowing snow (all romantic like). The trick is; snow doesn’t blow easily (or at all!)…. So we made some imitation snow with hole punched paper.

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We took a few more pictures for them behind our studio. It was kind of disappointing that there was a large yellow slide behind the swing they were sitting on… so we photoshopped it out! 20130403-IMG_034520130403-IMG_0345-Edit  20130403-IMG_0343-Edit 20130403-IMG_0330-Edit

We also wanted to give John and Inez some indoor shots, so we asked them to step inside our studio. From start to finish, the photoshoot took only 20 minutes. 20130403-IMG_0364-Edit20130403-IMG_0367-Edit 20130403-IMG_0356-Edit

For any photographers reading this, here’s a quick setup shot for the pictures. Two soft boxes camera left and right and a backlight high and to the back right. We did this picture in our home studio/multipurpose room.

Jon and Inez Setup Shot