Day #4 – Family Photography Challenge

Sometimes it takes one person on the camera and the a second person behind them doing something ridiculous.

It’s not easy to get kids to pose, but if they are sitting together and you can do something to get their attention, you can often pull off a fun photo.

We told Joelle’s sisters to kiss him on either cheek, but he wasn’t expecting it, so it was fun to capture this reaction. #ladiesman

Sometimes you get lucky and your kids do something really cute while you have your camera in hand. This is why a DSLR with a zoom lens is so great…it makes it much easier to get a candid shot like this.

If you have time, you can orchestrate a situation that works for photos. For this shot, we were intentional about it and it really turned out great!

Sometimes you need to do some goofy things in order to warm kids up to get some photos later on. This is from when we were in Kenya and needed to have the kids get used to being around us before we took more photos.